Melodic Snippets Index

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Page 838 B

Anima Christi, Sanctifica Me (“Soul of my Savior, sanctify my breast”)
This English translation from 1882 may be sung to “Anima Christi 10A.”
Tune: “Anima Christi 10A” • 10 10 10 10

10 10 10 10
Page 148

Ave Vivens Hostia (“Hail, true Victim, life and light”)
Translation: Msgr. Ronald A. Knox
Seventh Tune: “Ach Wie Kurz” • 76 76 D

76 76 D
Page 147

Ave Vivens Hostia (“Hail, true Victim, life and light”)
Translation: Msgr. Ronald A. Knox
Sixth Tune: “Jesu Leiden Pein Und Tod” • 76 76 D

76 76 D
Page 146

Ave Vivens Hostia (“Hail, true Victim, life and light”)
Translation: Msgr. Ronald A. Knox
Fifth Tune: “Christus Christus Christus Ist” • 76 76 D

76 76 D
Page 143

Ave Vivens Hostia (“Hail, true Victim, life and light”)
Translation: Msgr. Ronald A. Knox
Second Tune: “Salzburg E6” • 76 76 D

76 76 D
Page 142

Ave Vivens Hostia (“Hail, true Victim, life and light”)
Translation: Msgr. Ronald A. Knox
First Tune: “Ave Virgo Virginum” • 76 76 D

76 76 D
Page 84

Auctor Beate Saeculi (“Blest Author of the world”)
Translation: Msgr. Hugh T. Henry
Tune: “Seán” • 66 66 Iambic

66 66 Iambic
Page 85

Auctor Beate Saeculi (“Blest Author of the world”)
Translation: Msgr. Hugh T. Henry
Text only—can be used with any 66 66 Iambic

66 66 Iambic
Page 861

“Glorious Things Of Thee Are Spoken”
Paraphrase of Isaias 33 by John Newton
Second Tune: “Austria” • 87 87 D

87 87 D
Page 860

“Glorious Things Of Thee Are Spoken”
Paraphrase of Isaias 33 by John Newton
First Tune: “Rustington” • 87 87 D

87 87 D
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