Melodic Snippets Index

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Page 254

Jam Desinant Suspiria (“Ye people, cease from tears”)
Translation: Robert Campbell of Skerrington
Tune: “Potsdam” • 66 86 (SM)

66 86 (SM)
Page 255

Jam Desinant Suspiria (“Ye people, cease from tears”)
Translation: Robert Campbell of Skerrington
Text only—can be used with any 66 86 (SM)

66 86 (SM)
Page 150

Ave Vivens Hostia (“Hail, Thou living Victim blest”)
Translation: Msgr. Hugh T. Henry
First Tune: “Gott Sei Dank E6” • 76 76 A

76 76 A
Page 124

Ave Maris Stella (“Hail, thou star above the sea”)
Translation: Fr. John Fitzpatrick, Oblate of Mary
Seventh Tune: “Würtemburg E6” • 76 76 A

76 76 A
Page 865

Deus Judicium Tuum Regi Da (“Hail to the Lord’s Anointed”)
Psalm 71 paraphrase by James Montgomery
Tune: “Thaxted” • 13 13 13 13 13 13

13 13 13 13 13 13
Page 853

“Praise To The Lord, The Almighty”
Text by Joachim Neander; translation from German by Catherine Winkworth
Tune: “Lobe Den Herren” • 14 14 4 7 8

14 14 4 7 8
Page 842

“Sing Praise To God Who Reigns Above”
Translated from German by Frances Elizabeth Cox
Tune: “Mit Freuden Zart” • 87 87 88 7

87 87 88 7
Page 857

Splendor Paternae Gloriae (“O Thou, the Brightness of the Father’s glory”)
Translation: David T. Morgan
Tune: “Raymbault” • 11 10 11 10

11 10 11 10
Page 827

Hymn of the Greek Church (“It is a splendid thing to glorify and praise”)
Translation: John Brownlie
Tune: “Festal Song” • 66 86 (SM)

66 86 (SM)
Pages 810-811

“Lord Jesus Christ, Of Joys And Treasures Rarest” by Fr. Dominic Popplewell
First Tune: “Cyriacus” • 11 10 11 10

11 10 11 10
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