Melodic Snippets Index

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Page 228

Hoste Dum Victo Triumphans (“When the Patriarch was returning”)
Translation: Fr. Edward Caswall, Oratorian
First Tune: “All Saints” • 87 87 77

87 87 77
Page 229

Hoste Dum Victo Triumphans (“When the Patriarch was returning”)
Translation: Fr. Edward Caswall, Oratorian
Second Tune: “Coblenz” • 87 87 77

87 87 77
Page 230

Hoste Dum Victo Triumphans (“When the Patriarch was returning”)
Translation: Fr. Edward Caswall, Oratorian
Third Tune: “Westminster Abbey F7” • 87 87 77

87 87 77
Page 231

Hoste Dum Victo Triumphans (“When the Patriarch was returning”)
Translation: Fr. Edward Caswall, Oratorian
Fourth Tune: “Ich Begehr Nicht Mehr” • 87 87 77

87 87 77
Page 153

Ave Vivens Hostia (“Hail, Thou living Victim blest”)
Translation: Msgr. Hugh T. Henry
Text only—can be used with any 76 76

76 76
Page 149

Ave Vivens Hostia (“Hail, true Victim, life and light”)
Translation: Msgr. Ronald A. Knox
Text only—can be used with any 76 76 D (Trochaic)

76 76 D (Trochaic)
Page 152

Ave Vivens Hostia (“Hail, Thou living Victim blest”)
Translation: Msgr. Hugh T. Henry
Third Tune: “Orientis Partibus E6” • 76 76

76 76
Page 151

Ave Vivens Hostia (“Hail, Thou living Victim blest”)
Translation: Msgr. Hugh T. Henry
Second Tune: “University College E6” • 76 76

76 76
Page 70

Adoro Te Devote, Latens Deitas (“Humbly I adore Thee, Hidden Deity”)
Translation: Charles Kegan Paul (except the first verse)
Tune: “Fiorillo” • 65 65 D

65 65 D
Page 71

Adoro Te Devote, Latens Deitas (“Humbly I adore Thee, Hidden Deity”)
Translation: Charles Kegan Paul (except the first verse)
Text only—can be used with any 65 65 D

65 65 D
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