Melodic Snippets Index

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Page 695

“Jesus, Meek And Lowly” by Fr. Henry Augustine Collins, Cistercian
Tune: “St Martin” • 66 66 Trochaic

66 66 Trochaic
Page 698

“Come, Ye Faithful, Raise The Strain”
Saint John Damascene; translated into English by Dr. John M. Neale
Tune: “Ave Virgo Virginum” • 76 76 D

76 76 D
Page 706

Hymnum Canamus Gloriae (“A hymn of glory let us sing”)
Saint Bede the Venerable, Doctor of the Church; translated into English following Benjamin Webb and Elizabeth R. Charles.
Tune: “Lasst Uns Erfreuen” • 88 88 A

88 88 A
Page 700

Lasst Uns Erfreuen Herzlich Sehr (“Let us rejoice right heartily”)
Fr. Father Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld, SJ; translated into English by Fr. Dominic Popplewell.
Tune: “Lasst Uns Erfreuen (alt)” • 88 88 A

88 88 A
Page 679

“Brightest And Best” by Reginald Heber
Tune: “Epiphany” • 11 10 11 10

11 10 11 10
Page 666

“Once In Royal David’s City” by Cecil Frances Alexander
Tune: “Irby” • 87 87 77

87 87 77
Page 665

In Dulci Jubilo (“Good Christian men, rejoice”)
attr. Bl. Henry Suso, Dominican Priest
Translation: Dr. John M. Neale
Tune: “In Dulci Jubilo” • 66 77 78 55

66 77 78 55
Page 657

Venez Divin Messie (“O come, Divine Messiah”)
Translation: Sister Mary of Saint Philip
Tune: “Venez, Divin Messie” • 78 76 R

78 76 R
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