Melodic Snippets Index

Find and filter melodies in the Brébeuf Hymnal

Page 53

Ad Preces Nostras Deitatis (“God, of thy pity, unto us thy children”)
Translation: Alan Gordon McDougall
First Tune: “Herzliebster Jesu” • 11 11 11 5

11 11 11 5
Page 54

Ad Preces Nostras Deitatis (“God, of thy pity, unto us thy children”)
Translation: Alan Gordon McDougall
Second Tune: “Iste Confessor” • 11 11 11 5

11 11 11 5
Page 55

Ad Preces Nostras Deitatis (“God, of thy pity, unto us thy children”)
Translation: Alan Gordon McDougall
Text only—can be used with any 11 11 11 5

11 11 11 5
Page 844

Psalm 66 • “God Of Mercy, God Of Grace”
Paraphrase by Henry Francis Lyte
Tune: “Heathlands” • 77 77 77

77 77 77
Page 848

O Bello Dio, Signor Del Paradiso (“O God of loveliness”)
Saint Alphonsus Liguori; translated into English by Fr. Edmund Vaughan
Tune: “St Elizabeth” • 66 66 66 8

66 66 66 8
Page 824

Schönster Herr Jesu (“Lord Jesu fairest, every lord who rulest”)
Translation: Fr. Dominic Popplewell
Tune: “Schönster Herr Jesu” • 567 557

567 557
Page 795

“Blessed Joseph, Guardian Mild” by Fr. Christopher G. Phillips
Tune: “Dix” • 77 77 77

77 77 77
Page 797

“Simple Saint & Faithful Priest”
Hymn to St. Anthony by Fr. Christopher G. Phillips
Tune: “Voller Wunder Voller Kunst” • 77 77 77

77 77 77
Page 788

“Blessed Are The Sons Of God”—Cento; based on John Cennick
Tune: “Dix” • 77 77 77

77 77 77
Page 780

“O Sanctissima, O Piissima”
Translation: Textus originalis Latinus
Tune: “Sicilian Mariners” • 10 7 10 7

10 7 10 7
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