Melodic Snippets Index

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Page 562

Victis Sibi Cognomina (“Conquering kings their titles take”)
Translation: John Chandler
Fifth Tune: “Gott Sei Dank” • 77 77 A

77 77 A
Page 873

“Solemn Hymn To The Son Of God” by Fr. Dominic Popplewell
Sixth Tune: “Würtemburg” • 77 77 A

77 77 A
Page 875

“Solemn Hymn To The Son Of God” by Fr. Dominic Popplewell
Eighth Tune: “Coelestem Panem” • 77 77 A

77 77 A
Page 858

“The Living God, With Meekness Crowned” by Fr. Dominic Popplewell
First Tune: “Diademata” • S. M. D.

S. M. D.
Page 859

“The Living God, With Meekness Crowned” by Fr. Dominic Popplewell
Second Tune: “Corona” • S. M. D.

S. M. D.
Page 857

Splendor Paternae Gloriae (“O Thou, the Brightness of the Father’s glory”)
Translation: David T. Morgan
Tune: “Raymbault” • 11 10 11 10

11 10 11 10
Page 833

Aeterna Caeli Gloria (“Christ, the glory of the sky”)
Translation: Robert Campbell of Skerrington
Second Tune: “Würtemburg” • 77 77 A

77 77 A
Page 835

Aeterna Caeli Gloria (“Christ, the glory of the sky”)
Translation: Robert Campbell of Skerrington
Fourth Tune: “Keine Schönheit Hat Die Welt” • 77 77 A

77 77 A
Page 827

Hymn of the Greek Church (“It is a splendid thing to glorify and praise”)
Translation: John Brownlie
Tune: “Festal Song” • 66 86 (SM)

66 86 (SM)
Page 824

Schönster Herr Jesu (“Lord Jesu fairest, every lord who rulest”)
Translation: Fr. Dominic Popplewell
Tune: “Schönster Herr Jesu” • 567 557

567 557
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