Melodic Snippets Index

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Page 126

Ave Maris Stella (“Hail, thou star above the sea”)
Translation: Fr. John Fitzpatrick, Oblate of Mary
Ninth Tune: “Culbach E6” • 76 76

76 76
Page 127

Ave Maris Stella (“Hail, thou star above the sea”)
Translation: Fr. John Fitzpatrick, Oblate of Mary
Tenth Tune: “University College E6” • 76 76

76 76
Page 85

Auctor Beate Saeculi (“Blest Author of the world”)
Translation: Msgr. Hugh T. Henry
Text only—can be used with any 66 66 Iambic

66 66 Iambic
Page 84

Auctor Beate Saeculi (“Blest Author of the world”)
Translation: Msgr. Hugh T. Henry
Tune: “Seán” • 66 66 Iambic

66 66 Iambic
Page 849

“Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty” by Reginald Heber
Tune: “Nicaea” • 11 12 12 10

11 12 12 10
Page 725

“O Lord, I Am Not Worthy”
Tune: “Non Dignus” • 76 76

76 76
Page 727

“Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All”
Translation: Fr. Frederick William Faber, Oratorian
Tune: “Sweet Sacrament” • 88 88 R

88 88 R
Page 676

“The First Noël The Angel Did Say”
Tune: “The First Nowell” • 88 88 R

88 88 R
Page 653

Veni Veni Emmanuel (“O come, O come, Emmanuel”)
Translation: Msgr. Ronald A. Knox
Tune: “Veni Veni Emmanuel” • 88 88 R

88 88 R
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