Melodic Snippets Index

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Page 768

Omni Die, Dic Mariae (“Daily, daily, sing to Mary”)
Translation: Fr. Henry Bittleston, Oratorian
Tune: “Laudes Mariae” • 87 87 D

87 87 D
Page 756

“Christ Is King Of Earth And Heaven” by Fr. Ivor Daniel
Tune: “Rustington” • 87 87 D

87 87 D
Page 772

Maria Durch Ein’ Dornwald Ging (“Through wood of thorn did Mary fare”)
Translation: Fr. Dominic Popplewell
Tune: “Maria Durch” • 85 88 6

85 88 6
Page 710

Qui Procedis Ab Utroque (“Holy Paraclete, life-giver”)
Translation: Msgr. Ronald A. Knox
Tune: “Alles Ist An Gottes Segen” • 887 D

887 D
Page 689

“My Song Is Love Unknown” by Samuel Crossman
Tune: “Love Unknown” • 66 66 44 44

66 66 44 44
Page 669

“God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen”
The meaning of “God rest you merry” is “God keep you merry.” Note the archaic use of the word rest (“keep”)—indeed, this carol probably dates from the 16th century.
Tune: “God Rest You Merry” • 86 86 86 R

86 86 86 R
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