Melodic Snippets Index

Find and filter melodies in the Brébeuf Hymnal

Page 134

Ave Maris Stella (“Bright Mother of our Maker, hail”)
Translation: Catholic Hymnal for the United States (1807)
Tune: “St Anne” • 86 86 (CM)

86 86 (CM)
Page 135

Ave Maris Stella (“Bright Mother of our Maker, hail”)
Translation: Catholic Hymnal for the United States (1807)
Text only—can be used with any 86 86 (CM)

86 86 (CM)
Page 132

Ave Maris Stella (“Bright Mother of our Maker, hail”)
Translation: Catholic Hymnal for the United States (1807)
First Tune: “Song 67” • 86 86 (CM)

86 86 (CM)
Page 126

Ave Maris Stella (“Hail, thou star above the sea”)
Translation: Fr. John Fitzpatrick, Oblate of Mary
Ninth Tune: “Culbach E6” • 76 76

76 76
Page 125

Ave Maris Stella (“Hail, thou star above the sea”)
Translation: Fr. John Fitzpatrick, Oblate of Mary
Eighth Tune: “Monkland E6” • 76 76

76 76
Page 123

Ave Maris Stella (“Hail, thou star above the sea”)
Translation: Fr. John Fitzpatrick, Oblate of Mary
Sixth Tune: “Orientis Partibus E6” • 76 76

76 76
Page 122

Ave Maris Stella (“Hail, thou star above the sea”)
Translation: Fr. John Fitzpatrick, Oblate of Mary
Fifth Tune: “Salzburg E6” • 76 76 D

76 76 D
Page 121

Ave Maris Stella (“Hail, thou star above the sea”)
Translation: Fr. John Fitzpatrick, Oblate of Mary
Fourth Tune: “Jesu Leiden Pein Und Tod” • 76 76 D

76 76 D
Page 120

Ave Maris Stella (“Hail, thou star above the sea”)
Translation: Fr. John Fitzpatrick, Oblate of Mary
Third Tune: “Christus Christus Christus Ist” • 76 76 D

76 76 D
Page 119

Ave Maris Stella (“Hail, thou star above the sea”)
Translation: Fr. John Fitzpatrick, Oblate of Mary
Second Tune: “Tempus Adest Floridum” • 76 76 D

76 76 D
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