Melodic Snippets Index

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Page 129

Ave Maris Stella (“Hail, O Star that pointest”)
Translation: John Athelstan Riley
Second Tune: “Ravenshaw” • 66 66 Trochaic

66 66 Trochaic
Page 128

Ave Maris Stella (“Hail, O Star that pointest”)
Translation: John Athelstan Riley
First Tune: “St Martin” • 66 66 Trochaic

66 66 Trochaic
Page 117

Ave Maris Stella (“Star of ocean, lead us”)
Translation: Msgr. Ronald A. Knox
Tune: “St Martin” • 66 66 Trochaic

66 66 Trochaic
Page 130

Ave Maris Stella (“Hail, O Star that pointest”)
Translation: John Athelstan Riley
Third Tune: “Ave Radix” • 66 66 Trochaic

66 66 Trochaic
Page 131

Ave Maris Stella (“Hail, O Star that pointest”)
Translation: John Athelstan Riley
Fourth Tune: “Waltham Forest” • 66 66 Trochaic

66 66 Trochaic
Page 42

Ad Cenam Agni Providi (“At the Lamb’s high feast we sing”)
Translation: Robert Campbell of Skerrington
Seventh Tune: “Grosser Gott 7B” • 77 77 D

77 77 D
Page 38

Ad Cenam Agni Providi (“At the Lamb’s high feast we sing”)
Translation: Robert Campbell of Skerrington
Third Tune: “St George” • 77 77 D

77 77 D
Page 37

Ad Cenam Agni Providi (“At the Lamb’s high feast we sing”)
Translation: Robert Campbell of Skerrington
Second Tune: “Paschal Lamb” • 77 77 D

77 77 D
Page 36

Ad Cenam Agni Providi (“At the Lamb’s high feast we sing”)
Translation: Robert Campbell of Skerrington
First Tune: “Salzburg” • 77 77 D

77 77 D
Page 28

Ad Cenam Agni Providi (“As at the Lamb’s high feast we sit”)
Translation: Fr. John Fitzpatrick, Oblate of Mary
Third Tune: “Lasst Uns Erfreuen” • 88 88 A

88 88 A
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