Melodic Snippets Index

Find and filter melodies in the Brébeuf Hymnal

Page 53

Ad Preces Nostras Deitatis (“God, of thy pity, unto us thy children”)
Translation: Alan Gordon McDougall
First Tune: “Herzliebster Jesu” • 11 11 11 5

11 11 11 5
Page 54

Ad Preces Nostras Deitatis (“God, of thy pity, unto us thy children”)
Translation: Alan Gordon McDougall
Second Tune: “Iste Confessor” • 11 11 11 5

11 11 11 5
Page 55

Ad Preces Nostras Deitatis (“God, of thy pity, unto us thy children”)
Translation: Alan Gordon McDougall
Text only—can be used with any 11 11 11 5

11 11 11 5
Page 824

Schönster Herr Jesu (“Lord Jesu fairest, every lord who rulest”)
Translation: Fr. Dominic Popplewell
Tune: “Schönster Herr Jesu” • 567 557

567 557
Page 724

O Pater Sancte, Mitis Atque Pie (“Father most holy, gracious and forgiving”)
Translation: Msgr. Ronald A. Knox
Tune: “Iste Confessor” • 11 11 11 5

11 11 11 5
Page 696

Vita Sanctorum, Decus Angelorum (“Life of thy saints and glory of thine angels”)
Translation: Alan Gordon McDougall
Tune: “Kenmore” • 11 11 11 5

11 11 11 5
Pages 690-691

The Painful Cross Of Christ (“Whoever to virtue thinketh hard the way”) • This text was written by Saint Thomas More (Lord Chancellor of England) and published circa 1510AD.
Tune: “Lincoln’s Inn” • 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Page 692

Meditationes Divi Augustini (“Ah, Holy Jesus, How Hast Thou Offended?”)
Translation: Robert Bridges
Tune: “Herzliebster Jesu” • 11 11 11 5

11 11 11 5
Page 660

“Gabriel Saluting, Heaven Thee Recruiting” by Fr. Dominic Popplewell
Tune: “Reginald” • 66 76 R

66 76 R
Page 667

Quem Vidistis Pastores? Dicite (“Angels we have heard on high”)
Translation: Most Rev’d James Chadwick, Bishop of Hexham
Tune: “Gloria” • 77 77 R

77 77 R
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