Melodic Snippets Index

Find and filter melodies in the Brébeuf Hymnal

Page 53

Ad Preces Nostras Deitatis (“God, of thy pity, unto us thy children”)
Translation: Alan Gordon McDougall
First Tune: “Herzliebster Jesu” • 11 11 11 5

11 11 11 5
Page 54

Ad Preces Nostras Deitatis (“God, of thy pity, unto us thy children”)
Translation: Alan Gordon McDougall
Second Tune: “Iste Confessor” • 11 11 11 5

11 11 11 5
Page 55

Ad Preces Nostras Deitatis (“God, of thy pity, unto us thy children”)
Translation: Alan Gordon McDougall
Text only—can be used with any 11 11 11 5

11 11 11 5
Page 803

“Sing Praise To The Lord”
Paraphrase of Psalm 150 by Sir Henry Williams Baker
Tune: “Laudate Dominum” • 10 10 11 11

10 10 11 11
Page 727

“Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All”
Translation: Fr. Frederick William Faber, Oratorian
Tune: “Sweet Sacrament” • 88 88 R

88 88 R
Page 724

O Pater Sancte, Mitis Atque Pie (“Father most holy, gracious and forgiving”)
Translation: Msgr. Ronald A. Knox
Tune: “Iste Confessor” • 11 11 11 5

11 11 11 5
Page 696

Vita Sanctorum, Decus Angelorum (“Life of thy saints and glory of thine angels”)
Translation: Alan Gordon McDougall
Tune: “Kenmore” • 11 11 11 5

11 11 11 5
Page 703

O Filii Et Filiae (“Ye sons and daughters of the Lord”)
Translation: Fr. Edward Caswall, Oratorian
Tune: “O Filii Et Filiae” • 888 A
Complete verses in Latin are included alongside the English.

888 A
Page 676

“The First Noël The Angel Did Say”
Tune: “The First Nowell” • 88 88 R

88 88 R
Page 677

“What Child Is This?”
Translation: William Chatterton Dix
Tune: “Greensleeves” • 87 87 R

87 87 R
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