Melodic Snippets Index

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Page 857

Splendor Paternae Gloriae (“O Thou, the Brightness of the Father’s glory”)
Translation: David T. Morgan
Tune: “Raymbault” • 11 10 11 10

11 10 11 10
Pages 810-811

“Lord Jesus Christ, Of Joys And Treasures Rarest” by Fr. Dominic Popplewell
First Tune: “Cyriacus” • 11 10 11 10

11 10 11 10
Pages 812-813

“Lord Jesus Christ, Of Joys And Treasures Rarest” by Fr. Dominic Popplewell
Second Tune: “Highwood” • 11 10 11 10

11 10 11 10
Pages 814-815

“Lord Jesus Christ, Of Joys And Treasures Rarest” by Fr. Dominic Popplewell
Third Tune: “Lafitau” • 11 10 11 10

11 10 11 10
Page 816

“Lord Jesus Christ, Of Joys And Treasures Rarest” by Fr. Dominic Popplewell
This is an abridged version.
Fourth Tune: “Raymbault” • 11 10 11 10

11 10 11 10
Page 806

“Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom”
(Saint) John Henry Cardinal Newman, Oratorian
Tune: “Allen” • 10 4 10 4 10 10

10 4 10 4 10 10
Page 759

“To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King” by Fr. Martin B. Hellriegel
Tune: “Ich Glaub An Gott” • 87 87 R Iambic

87 87 R Iambic
Page 679

“Brightest And Best” by Reginald Heber
Tune: “Epiphany” • 11 10 11 10

11 10 11 10
Page 689

“My Song Is Love Unknown” by Samuel Crossman
Tune: “Love Unknown” • 66 66 44 44

66 66 44 44
Page 667

Quem Vidistis Pastores? Dicite (“Angels we have heard on high”)
Translation: Most Rev’d James Chadwick, Bishop of Hexham
Tune: “Gloria” • 77 77 R

77 77 R
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