Melodic Snippets Index

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Page 844

Psalm 66 • “God Of Mercy, God Of Grace”
Paraphrase by Henry Francis Lyte
Tune: “Heathlands” • 77 77 77

77 77 77
Page 839

Nun danket alle Gott (“Now Thank We All Our God”)
Translation: Martin Rinkart
Tune: “Nun Danket” • 67 67 66 66

67 67 66 66
Page 795

“Blessed Joseph, Guardian Mild” by Fr. Christopher G. Phillips
Tune: “Dix” • 77 77 77

77 77 77
Page 797

“Simple Saint & Faithful Priest”
Hymn to St. Anthony by Fr. Christopher G. Phillips
Tune: “Voller Wunder Voller Kunst” • 77 77 77

77 77 77
Page 806

“Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom”
(Saint) John Henry Cardinal Newman, Oratorian
Tune: “Allen” • 10 4 10 4 10 10

10 4 10 4 10 10
Page 788

“Blessed Are The Sons Of God”—Cento; based on John Cennick
Tune: “Dix” • 77 77 77

77 77 77
Page 759

“To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King” by Fr. Martin B. Hellriegel
Tune: “Ich Glaub An Gott” • 87 87 R Iambic

87 87 R Iambic
Page 680

“As With Gladness, Men Of Old” by William Chatterton Dix
Tune: “Dix” • 77 77 77

77 77 77
Page 668

Corde Natus Ex Parentis (“Of the Father’s love begotten”)
Aurelius Prudentius, Christian Poet
Translation: Cento by the editors
Tune: “Divinum Mysterium” • 87 87 87 R

87 87 87 R
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