Melodic Snippets Index

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Page 150

Ave Vivens Hostia (“Hail, Thou living Victim blest”)
Translation: Msgr. Hugh T. Henry
First Tune: “Gott Sei Dank E6” • 76 76 A

76 76 A
Page 124

Ave Maris Stella (“Hail, thou star above the sea”)
Translation: Fr. John Fitzpatrick, Oblate of Mary
Seventh Tune: “Würtemburg E6” • 76 76 A

76 76 A
Page 849

“Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty” by Reginald Heber
Tune: “Nicaea” • 11 12 12 10

11 12 12 10
Page 782

Salve, Regina Caelitum (“Hail, Queen among the heavenly ones”)
Translation: Fr. Dominic Popplewell
Tune: “Mainz” • 88 R

88 R
Page 783

Salve Regina, Mater Misericordiae (“Hail, Holy Queen enthroned above”)
Text by Hermann Contractus, Monk of Reichenau Abbey
Tune: “Salve Regina Coelitum” • 88 R

88 R
Page 784

Regina Caeli, Jubila (“For mirth now, Queen of heaven, sing”)
Translation: Fr. Dominic Popplewell
Tune: “Regina Caeli Jubila” • 88 R

88 R
Page 785

Regina Caeli Laetare (“Be joyful, Mary, heavenly Queen”)
“Regina Caeli” was initially a Christmas hymn, but over the centuries it became an Easter hymn; at this point, both text and tune should only be used during Eastertide.
Tune: “Regina Caeli Jubila” • 88 R

88 R
Pages 748-749

“Quis Est Iste Qui Venit De Edom?” (Isaias 63)
Adaptation: Fr. Dominic Popplewell
Tune: “Ecclesia” • 87 87 87 87 87 87

87 87 87 87 87 87
Page 670

Adeste Fideles, Laeti Triumphantes (“God rest you merry, Gentlemen”)
Translation: Fr. Frederick Oakeley, Canon of Westminster Cathedral
Tune: “Adeste Fideles” • 11 9 11 R

11 9 11 R
Page 671

“Adeste Fideles, Laeti Triumphantes” by John Francis Wade
Translation: Textus originalis Latinus
Tune: “Adeste Fideles” • 11 9 11 R

11 9 11 R
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