Melodic Snippets Index

Find and filter melodies in the Brébeuf Hymnal

Page 849

“Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty” by Reginald Heber
Tune: “Nicaea” • 11 12 12 10

11 12 12 10
Page 853

“Praise To The Lord, The Almighty”
Text by Joachim Neander; translation from German by Catherine Winkworth
Tune: “Lobe Den Herren” • 14 14 4 7 8

14 14 4 7 8
Page 734

Panis Angelicus, Fit Panis Hominum
Translation: Textus originalis Latinus
These are the final Verses of “Sacris Solemniis” by St. Thomas Aquinas
Tune: “Charleroi” • 12 12 12 8

12 12 12 8
Page 709

Discendi, Amor Santo (“Come down, O love divine”)
Bianco da Siena; translated from Italian by Richard Frederick Littledale.
Tune: “Down Ampney” • 6 6 11 D

6 6 11 D
Page 677

“What Child Is This?”
Translation: William Chatterton Dix
Tune: “Greensleeves” • 87 87 R

87 87 R
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