Melodic Snippets Index

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Page 334

6th century — Pange Lingua Gloriosi (“Come then, my soul, and gladly sing”)
Translation: Historic Roman Catholic Translation • 1670AD
Tune: “Innsbruck M8” • 886 D

886 D
Page 865

Deus Judicium Tuum Regi Da (“Hail to the Lord’s Anointed”)
Psalm 71 paraphrase by James Montgomery
Tune: “Thaxted” • 13 13 13 13 13 13

13 13 13 13 13 13
Page 845

“I Sing The Mighty Power Of God” by Isaac Watts
Tune: “Ellacombe” • 86 86 D

86 86 D
Page 726

“O Jesus, We Adore Thee”
Translation: Fr. Irvin M. Udulutsch, Capuchin
Tune: “Udulutsch” • 76 76 R

76 76 R
Page 694

Gloria, Laus, Et Honor Tibi Sit (“All glory, laud and honor”)
Saint Theodulf, Bishop of Orléans; translated into English by Dr. John M. Neale
Tune: “St Theodulph” • 76 76 R

76 76 R
Page 711

Gott Vater Sei Gepriesen (“God Father, praise and glory”)
Translation: Fr. John Ernest Rothensteiner
Tune: “Gott Vater Sei Gepriesen” • 76 76 R

76 76 R
Page 677

“What Child Is This?”
Translation: William Chatterton Dix
Tune: “Greensleeves” • 87 87 R

87 87 R
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