Melodic Snippets Index

Find and filter melodies in the Brébeuf Hymnal

Page 845

“I Sing The Mighty Power Of God” by Isaac Watts
Tune: “Ellacombe” • 86 86 D

86 86 D
Page 689

“My Song Is Love Unknown” by Samuel Crossman
Tune: “Love Unknown” • 66 66 44 44

66 66 44 44
Page 658

“Lo! he comes with clouds descending” by John Cennick
Tune: “Helmsley” • 87 87 47

87 87 47
Page 660

“Gabriel Saluting, Heaven Thee Recruiting” by Fr. Dominic Popplewell
Tune: “Reginald” • 66 76 R

66 76 R
Page 665

In Dulci Jubilo (“Good Christian men, rejoice”)
attr. Bl. Henry Suso, Dominican Priest
Translation: Dr. John M. Neale
Tune: “In Dulci Jubilo” • 66 77 78 55

66 77 78 55
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