9th century — Christe Redemptor Omnium (“O Christ, Thy servants deign to spare”)
Translation: Fr. John Fitzpatrick, Oblate of Mary FirstTune: “Erschienen Ist” • 88 88 A
Ad Cenam Agni Providi (“As at the Lamb’s high feast we sit”)
Translation: Fr. John Fitzpatrick, Oblate of Mary ThirdTune: “Lasst Uns Erfreuen” • 88 88 A
Laudes Creaturarum (“All creatures of our God and King”)
Saint Francis of Assisi; translated from Italian by William H. Draper. Tune: “Lasst Uns Erfreuen” • 88 88 A
Lasst Uns Erfreuen Herzlich Sehr (“Let us rejoice right heartily”)
Fr. Father Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld, SJ; translated into English by Fr. Dominic Popplewell. Tune: “Lasst Uns Erfreuen (alt)” • 88 88 A
Hymnum Canamus Gloriae (“A hymn of glory let us sing”)
Saint Bede the Venerable, Doctor of the Church; translated into English following Benjamin Webb and Elizabeth R. Charles. Tune: “Lasst Uns Erfreuen” • 88 88 A