Melodic Snippets Index

Find and filter melodies in the Brébeuf Hymnal

Page 248

Jam Christe Sol Justitiae (“Thy rays, O Sun of Justice, send”)
Translation: John David Chambers
Seventh Tune: “Ioannes” • 88 88 (LM)

88 88 (LM)
Page 249

Jam Christe Sol Justitiae (“Thy rays, O Sun of Justice, send”)
Translation: John David Chambers
Text only—can be used with any 88 88 (LM)

88 88 (LM)
Page 250

Jam Christe Sol Justitiae (“O Jesus, our salvation’s Sun”)
Translation: Bishop Edward G. Bagshawe
Tune: “Altona” • 88 88 (LM)

88 88 (LM)
Page 251

Jam Christe Sol Justitiae (“O Jesus, our salvation’s Sun”)
Translation: Bishop Edward G. Bagshawe
Text only—can be used with any 88 88 (LM)

88 88 (LM)
Pages 252-253

Jam Desinant Suspiria (1736AD)
In addition to providing the Latin version with accent marks, the Saint Jean de Brébeuf Hymnal commissioned English translations from Latin scholars to help congregations appreciate these ancient prayers. Until the Brébeuf Hymnal appeared in 2018, literal translations for many of these hymns had never been made.

Page 254

Jam Desinant Suspiria (“Ye people, cease from tears”)
Translation: Robert Campbell of Skerrington
Tune: “Potsdam” • 66 86 (SM)

66 86 (SM)
Page 255

Jam Desinant Suspiria (“Ye people, cease from tears”)
Translation: Robert Campbell of Skerrington
Text only—can be used with any 66 86 (SM)

66 86 (SM)
Pages 256-257

Jesu Nostra Redemptio (7th century)
Title after 1631AD: “Salutis Humanae Sator”
In addition to providing the Latin version with accent marks, the Saint Jean de Brébeuf Hymnal commissioned English translations from Latin scholars to help congregations appreciate these ancient prayers. Until the Brébeuf Hymnal appeared in 2018, literal translations for many of these hymns had never been made.

Page 258

Jesu Nostra Redemptio (“Redeemer of our fallen state”)
Translation: Fr. John Fitzpatrick, Oblate of Mary
First Tune: “La Rochelle” • 88 88 (LM)

88 88 (LM)
Page 259

Jesu Nostra Redemptio (“Redeemer of our fallen state”)
Translation: Fr. John Fitzpatrick, Oblate of Mary
Second Tune: “Rogers Park” • 88 88 (LM)

88 88 (LM)
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